CE Marking
The CE marking (EC, European Community) implies that a product is created in conformity with the regulations of the community. No industrial product or equipment can be marketed in the European Union that lacks the corresponding CE marking, since this implies that the product complies with the technical and safety legislation that applies to that product.
It is the manufacturer, or distributor, who is responsible for placing the CE marking on their products. By doing so, you are assuming the responsibility that your product has been designed and manufactured in accordance with the applicable regulations.
Therefore, it is always advisable to have a team of specialized engineers and senior technicians for the prevention of occupational hazards who can verify that the machine or equipment is really in accordance with the applicable regulations, to avoid possible infractions, as well as accidents during use of the machine itself.
Tandem HSE has qualified technical personnel that will help you comply with the regulations to be able to apply the CE marking of your equipment and machines.
The Construction Technical File (ETC)
The technical file is the document by which the compliance to the regulations applicable to the product or machine is evaluated, by means of which engineering, such as Tandem HSE, can certify that your product is safe and that it can be marketed without risk.
Inside the technical file, we find the following documentation for each equipment:
- Instruction manual.
- General and detailed plans.
- Health and safety documents, including an assessment of equipment risks and applicable preventive measures.
- Conformity assessment of the standards that apply.
- CE Declaration of Conformity.
- Communication to the corresponding notified body, if applicable.
- Information on the tests to which the equipment has been subjected.
The technical file is mandatory throughout the European Union and is a complex technical document that you must entrust to a specialized engineering team, such as ours.
Tandem HSE offers all that support to ensure the quality and compliance with the regulations of your product.
Conformity Assessment
In Spain, we have a comprehensive regulation on the prevention of occupational hazards. All these regulations are a development of Law 31/1995 on Occupational Risk Prevention.
Royal Decree 1215/1997 specifically develops the necessary security measures to take into account in the equipment used by workers in their usual work. Any tool, personal protective equipment or machinery used at work must be safe and have the corresponding CE marking.
This royal decree expressly establishes the obligation of the employer to provide his workers with tools and work equipment that are safe, and that cannot pose a risk to the health of workers.
The risk assessment of work equipment is prepared based on the well-known “Checklist 1215”. The methodology of this checklist is to verify all the elements of the machine, one by one, and check whether or not they meet the safety requirements. Each machine element will have the necessary exploded view to ensure that all components are compliant. At all points, it will be indicated whether the requirement is met, or otherwise it does not apply to this machine.
Once the conformity of the equipment with the application regulations has been verified and the result is correct, the CE marking may be used and the corresponding CE plate may be placed on the equipment.
Tandem HSE can help you to comply with the regulations to be able to have the CE marking of your equipment and machines.