Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a strategic approach for organisations to integrate social, environmental and ethical considerations into their business practices. Our Corporate Social Responsibility service provides advice and support to companies to develop and implement responsible programmes and practices that have a positive impact on society and the environment.
We work closely with organisations to identify their areas of impact and define specific CSR objectives and targets. Through a comprehensive assessment, we help identify the relevant issues and key stakeholders for the company.
Our Corporate Social Responsibility services include advice on the implementation of the following management systems:

SGE 21: Ethical and Socially Responsible Management System
- Standard
- Universally applicable to any type of organisation.
- 9 essential areas: governance of the organisation, people who make up the organisation, customers, suppliers and supply chain, social environment and impact on the community, environmental environment, investors, competition, public administrations.
- Certification every 3 years.
SA 8000: Social Responsibility
- Auditable, voluntary standard, based on the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.
- Universally applicable to any type of organisation.
- 9 core areas: child labour, forced or compulsory labour, health and safety, freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, discrimination, disciplinary measures, working hours, remuneration, management system.
- Certification every 3 years.
IQNet SR 10: Social Responsibility Management Systems
- International standard in accordance with the international standard ISO 26000.
- Universally applicable to any type of organisation.
- 7 essential areas: accountability, transparency, ethical behaviour, respect for the interests of stakeholders, respect for the principle of legality, respect for international standards of behaviour, respect for human rights.
- Certification every 3 years.