ADR Security Advisor
Since year 2000, companies from the European Union that work with dangerous merchandise have a new actor: the ADR security advisor; who is in charge of ensuring compliance within the company to the ADR regulation (received that name from the European Agreement on International Transport of Dangerous Goods).
The ADR Security Advisor must supervise compliance with the regulations for the transport of dangerous goods. It is also responsible for carrying out an annual follow-up visit and for writing the ADR annual report, where all the operations with dangerous goods that the company has carried out throughout the year are summarized. Another of its obligations is to communicate any accident that occurs during transport, loading or unloading of such dangerous goods.
The security advisor ensures that the established safety procedures are complied with and that the workers receive the ADR training and information that affects their job.
Transactions with dangerous goods in Spain are regulated by the Royal Decree 97/2014, of February 14, which regulates the operations of transport of dangerous goods by road in Spanish territory.
The role of the ADR Security advisor is legally mandatory in companies that carry out operations with dangerous goods (such as transportation, loading or unloading). It is, therefore, the nature of the merchandise that is handled that determines the obligation to have such role.
The transport of dangerous goods can be carried out by road (ADR), but also by train (RID), by sea (IMDG) or by air (ICAO).
Services Offered by Tandem HSE as Security Advisor
Tandem HSE offers the service of acting as the external ADR security advisor to the companies who want to delegate us this important role.
We take care of all the necessary aspects of the implementation of this role to ensure that the company complies with all legal requirements.
In addition, we are responsible for notifying the administration of the security advisor. Our action plan includes the following points:
- Initial Audit. So we know the current state of the company and the documentation, apart from being a mandatory requirement according to Royal Decree 97/2014.
- Development of the various operating procedures. ADR loading, unloading and management procedures. Development of management manuals, data sheets and technical documentation of the ADR operation.
- Registration in our ADR Management application. We have our own software application to manage all the documentation required by the ADR. We register the company and customize its profile as a customer.
- Follow-up visits. Our security advisor will make regular visits to the client facilities to check that all the required requirements are being met.
- Accidents management.If they occur, the security advisor will be responsible for writing and presenting the accident report.
- ADR annual report. We will take care of the preparation and presentation of the report, according to the regulations.
- Advice for the different means of transport.Our security advisor service coverage includes other means of transportation, not just the road but IMDG (maritime transport) and RID (rail transport) as well.
Internal or External Advisor?
The ADR Security Advisor can be internal (a member of the company is chosen) or external (a person outside the company is delegated to exercise the powers of this figure). Depending on the complexity and size of the company, it would be convenient to choose one or another. In some situations, in small companies or without qualified personnel, it will be more logical to delegate the role to an external director.
But all companies, whatever their size, must have an advisor if they carry out operations with ADR merchandise.
Requirements to Be an ADR Security Advisor
The security advisor for dangerous merchandise must pass a public exam for it. If he passes it, he will be granted a professional training certificate that enables him to perform this function. The call for exams is the responsibility of the autonomous communities.
There are different degree specialties, depending on the merchandise to transport and the means of transport. In road transport, Class 1 is for explosive materials and objects while Class 2 for gases.
GestiónADR: Software Platform for the ADR Management
GestiónADR is a software platform for the ADR management. It is aimed at the logistics, commercial or manufacturers of chemical products to facilitate the emission and registration of the documentation required by the ADR regulations.
The Online Platform
GestiónADR is a platform that will help you comply with all the procedures related to products subjected to the ADR regulations that you use in your production processes.
It is an online software that allows the complete management of the dangerous goods of your company adapted to the regulations applicable to its transport, requirements and regulations of the sector and it is continuously updated by our teams of technicians to reflect the modifications of the regulations and laws.
According to ADR 2017 Regulation, paragraph 1.8.3 Security Advisor: Any company whose activity involves the transport of dangerous goods by road, or the packing, loading, filling or unloading operations related to these transports, will designate one or several security advisors, […], for the transport of dangerous goods, responsible for helping to prevent risks to people, property or the environment, inherent in these activities.
Like, for example
- Loading or unloading of ADR dangerous merchandise through a tank truck; e.g., diesel, hypochlorite, nitrogen.
- Loading or unloading of ADR dangerous merchandise in packages that exceed certain quantities, depending on the Transportation Category (CT). Examples of CT:
- 1:> 20 kg/liters of some liquid disinfectants, organic peroxides, etc.
- 2:> 333 liters of hydrochloric acid, methanol, etc.
- 3:> 1,000 liters of ethanol, nitrogen or compressed oxygen, etc.
Tandem HSE Solutions
For the correct management of products subject to ADR regulations, a series of documentation and records are required for any mode of transport: ADR—RID—IMDG—IATA.
In consequence, Tandem HSE, in addition to offering the ADR security advisor service, is also offering you its software platform for ADR management (GestiónADR) to help you document and register all the loading, unloading and transport operations of ADR dangerous merchandise that your company performs. Those registries will be of great help for the preparation and presentation of the ADR annual report.
Most Important Features
GestiónADR is a platform installed on secure servers hosted in data centers, which makes the service always available and is not interrupted at any time. In addition, periodic backups are made to ensure that no records are lost, nor documents, associated with the transport of dangerous goods.
GestiónADR has a complete user’s permission management (*) so that access to all documentation and records is done securely.
(*) Currently, one user access is available per company and all users are logged in with a username and password.
Its main features are the following:
- Personalized products and waste table, with UN number information.
- Calculation of total, or partial, applications of ADR in loading and unloading operations.
- Automatic generation of:
- Freight letters in tank loads, ADR trucks, containers.
- Checklists for loading and unloading operations.
- Package labeling (ADR tags).
- Simple and multimodal waybills.
- Safety instructions for the carrier.
- Registration of loads in full application of the ADR Regulation.
- Pre-approved tank plates. (Possibility of creating a database of its customers, suppliers, carriers, etc.)
- Documentation generated in PDF format.
- It is a web application that does not require any installation. It works with any browser.
- …
Requirements for it use:
- Internet access.
- JavaScript-enabled browser.
- Acrobat Reader installed.
Any device that has these three requirements (computer, tablet, phone, …) can access and operate the ADR management software platform (GestiónADR).