Environmental Controls
The effects of decades of irresponsible spills combined to the exponential growth of the world population have resulted in various concrete environmental problems that have caused victims and threaten the future survival of entire populations. Due to that, governments were forced to create environmental control measures that guarantee a better management of both resources and waste.
In addition, the population is more aware and many people know terms like ecological footprint, until recently limited to chemical and biological jargon. We talk about the annual resources of the planet and of the date on which they ran out, and we try to modify our consumption habits.
However, it is not the population but the necessity that pushes governments to strengthen the laws about spills or the use of some raw materials, although there is no doubt that the popular opinion is a reinforcement that, at the level of the final consumer, can impact sales of a chemical plant in charge of producing final products.
Tandem HSE has the qualified personnel, specialized in various areas, with whom we can help you to comply to the current environment regulations. If you want, we can help you to implement waste management plans or more rigorous effluent purification, with a view to future changes in legislation and/or for your company to provide an extra commitment in environmental matters.
Below, we will explain the environment control services offered by Tandem HSE, in addition to the training courses for workers from the chemical, food or pharmaceutical industries.
Wastewater Quality Analysis
Before being discharged, the wastewater must not exceed certain levels of BOD, COD, nitrogen compounds, high temperature or presence of microorganisms that alter the concentration of dissolved oxygen gas in the receiving medium. If not, it could kill the aquatic life in the environment where it will be discharged. There are also limits related to the alkalinity or the presence of heavy metals.
In case you send your effluents to be treated by an independent water plant, the cost for your company could depend of the complexity of the treatment required for the purification.
Tandem HSE can advise you if you want to take care of your effluents yourself in the same plant, or if you prefer to delegate that to another plat, studying the most recommendable option for your company.
For the regular controls, we offer you the possibility to hire us for a one-time control or in a periodical manner, so we can take care of the annual controls required by law.
Control Analysis
For installations subjected to the regulation of legionella control: hospitals, residential complexes, transportation, sports installations, installations manufacturing aerosols, cold and hot water distribution systems and evaporative water-cooling equipment.
Regulatory and Voluntary Measurements of Atmospheric Emissions
We help you so to ensure that your emissions do not exceed the maximum values allowed by studying the convenience of introducing changes in the filters or purification systems. We can also take care of the measurements of atmospheric emissions and the study of their dispersion according to the weather conditions.
Emission Studies by Mathematical Modeling or Field Studies
You can choose the option that best suits your needs.
Determination of the Levels of Noise Pollution of Activities
Evaluation about improvements on the acoustic insolation. Development of acoustic plans per zones.
Waste Characterization
There are residues that cannot be thrown away and there are others that cannot be recycled due to various reasons. These residues are stored in isolated compartments, in layers of the soil or at the bottom of the sea. However, there are residues that require a deposit site controlled by the government or a special treatment. We can take care of the characterization of your waste and the steps that are necessary for the corresponding company or entity to take care of special or more hazardous waste.
Piezometer or Diver Tube Control Programs for Soil Contamination Control
You are also responsible for the soil surrounding your industrial plant, including in case of an accident that can be a fire or a flood. For that, you should measure different levels of contamination on a regular basis, and you can delegate that task to us.
Determination of Light Pollution of Activities
Control of the emissions of the external lights, to ensure you meet the current regulations.
All the environment controls that we perform at Tandem HSE are accompanied by a client’s history, an evaluation of the obtained results and improvement suggestions in case we get close to, or over, the maximum values allowed.